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01 Ghana 1998

Lived in Accra, Ghana for a year. Did some travelling in West Africa as well.

02 Jakarta 2004 to 2006

Photos of my former hometown.

03 Indonesia 2005

Other pictures from around Indonesia.

04 Jakarta Office 2005

A few photos of where I worked in Jakarta.

05 Bali 2006

Indonesia's most famous island.

06 Indonesia 2006

Just in case you need more pictures of Indonesia.

07 Thailand 2005 to 2009

My home for nearly four years was Bangkok. Here's a few older pictures Koh Samui, and recent pictures from Bangkok.

08 Malaysia Flying 2006 and 2008

My friend Fergus was learning to fly. Here's some photos of us flying near Singapore. Also, some pictures of me flying on my company's plane, collecting data in southern Malaysia in 2008.

09 Cambodia 2007

I visited Cambodia with friends Kim and Marc. We all shared our photos, and Marc also put together his own webpage.

10 New Zealand 2007

Visited the North and South Islands on an extended road-trip.

11 Hong Kong 2008

A week in Hong Kong and Macau.

12 Japan 2008

Working with colleagues from Japan, I've had the chance to visit Tokyo and Okinawa.

13 Australia 2009

I've travelled Down Under four times now. Here's some pictures from Melbourne, Sydney and the east coast up to Cairns.

14 Germany 2010

My latest home country. Konstanz and Potsdam (Berlin).

15 Egypt 2010

Grabbed a last-minute winter trip to Egypt. This was just a few weeks before the start of the Arab Spring. Got to see the famous St. Catherine's Monastery just before it was closed for security reasons.

16 Germany 2010 to 2015

Just a few pics of my place in Potsdam and a couple of small trips in Germany.

17 Europe 2011

A road trip through Austria, Italy, Monaco and France

18 Cyprus 2012

Vacation in Cyprus, visiting North and South

19 Istanbul 2012

A short trip to Constantinople over New Year 2013

20 Prague 2012

Prague is just a 4 hour drive from Berlin

21 Spain 2014

My homage to Catalonia

22 India 2014 to 2017

Travelled many times to India on business over several years

23 USA 2016

My slow around-the-world trip continues with my latest home: Washington D.C.